To list the event filter internal documentation commands use ORADEBUG DOC EVENT FILTER:

In Oracle output is:


Event filters in library DIAG:
occurence            filter to implement counting for event checks
callstack            filter to only fire an event when a function is on the stack
eq                   filter to only fire an event when a == b
ne                   filter to only fire an event when a != b
gt                   filter to only fire an event when a > b
lt                   filter to only fire an event when a < b
ge                   filter to only fire an event when a >= b
le                   filter to only fire an event when a <= b
anybit               filter to only fire an event when (a & b) != 0
allbit               filter to only fire an event when (a & b) == b
nobit                filter to only fire an event when (a & b) == 0
bet                  filter to only fire an event when b <= a <= c
nbet                 filter to only fire an event when a < b or a > c
in                   filter to only fire an event when a is equal to any b .. p
nin                  filter to only fire an event when a is not equal to any b .. p
streq                filter to only fire an event when string s1 = s2 (up to  characters)
strne                filter to only fire an event when string s1 != s2 (up to  characters)
tag                  filter to only fire an event when a tag is set

Event filters in library RDBMS:
wait                 filter for specific wait parameters and wait duration
process              filter to set events only for a specific process
px                   filter to check identity of the process for fault injection

Event filters in library GENERIC:
errarg               filter to set error events only for a specific error argument

Filters must be enclosed by curly brackets. For example pgadep below:

'sql_trace[SQL: 32cqz71gd8wy3] {pgadep: exactDepth 0}
pgadep is the PGA depth (dep=N) in a trace file. It can take the following values:

For example:

{pgadep: exactDepth 0}

For normal statement execution:

For PL/SQL statement execution: