To list the event name internal documentation commands use ORADEBUG DOC EVENT NAME:

In Oracle output is:


Events in library DIAG:
trace[]              Main event to control UTS tracing
disable_dde_action[] Event used by DDE to disable actions
ams_trace[]          Event to dump ams performance trace records
ams_rowsrc_trace[]   Event to dump ams row source tracing
sweep_verification   Event to enable sweep file verification
enable_xml_inc_staging Event to enable xml incident staging format
dbg[]                Event to hook dbgtDbg logging statements

Events in library RDBMS:
wait_event[]         event to control wait event post-wakeup actions
alert_text           event for textual alerts
trace_recursive      event to force tracing recursive SQL statements
clientid_overwrite   event to overwrite client_identifier when client_info is set
sql_monitor          event to force monitoring SQL statements
sql_monitor_test     event to test SQL monitoring
eventsync_tac        Event posted from events syncing tac
sql_trace            event for sql trace
pmon_startup         startup of pmon process
background_startup   startup of background processes
db_open_begin        start of db open operation
test_gvtf            test GV$() Table Tunction
fault                Event used to inject fault in RDBMS kernel
gcr_systest          gcr_systest
em_express           EM Express debug event
emx_control          event to control em express
emx_test_control     event to control em express testing
awrdiag[]            AWR Diagnostic Event
msgq_trace           event to control msgq tracing
ipclw_trace          event to control ipclw tracing
kbc_fault            event to control container fault injection
asm_corruption_trace event to control ASM corruption tracing
kxdrs_sim            debug event to simulate certain conditions in kxdrs layer

kcfio_debug          debug event to debug kcfio based on event level

krbabrstat_fault     event to control krbabrstat fault injection
periodic_dump[]      event for periodically dumping

Events in library GENERIC:
kg_event[]           Support old error number events (use err# for short)

Events in library CLIENT:
oci_trace            event for oci trace

Events in library LIBCELL:
libcell_stat         libcell statistics level specification
cellclnt_skgxp_trc_ops Controls to trace SKGXP operations
cellclnt_ossnet_trc  Controls to trace IP affinity in ossnet
cellclnt_high_lat_ops Control to trace High-latency I/O operations
diskmon_sim_ops[]    Diskmon simulation events
cellclnt_read_outlier_limit Control to trace read I/O outliers
cellclnt_write_outlier_limit Control to trace write I/O outliers
cellclnt_lgwrite_outlier_limit Control to trace log write I/O outliers
cellclnt_sparse_mode Mode of how to handle sparse buffers

Events in library ADVCMP:
arch_comp_level[]    arch_comp_level[]
ccmp_debug           columnar compression debug event
inmemory_nobasic     disable KDZCF_IMC_BASIC implementation
inmemory_nohybrid    disable KDZCF_IMC_HYBRID implementation
ccmp_align           columnar compression enable alignment
ccmp_countstar       columnar compression enable count(*) optimization
ccmp_dumpunaligned   columnar compression dump dbas of unaligned CUs
ccmp_rbtree          columnar compression switch back to rb tree
inmemory_force_ccl   inmemory force column compression levels
inmemory_imcu[]      inmemory_imcu[]

Events in library PLSQL:
plsql_event[]        Support PL/SQL error number events