Enterprise Manager Self Update

These notes apply to EM

By default Enterprise Manager is configured to use Self Update.

The Self Update configuration pages can be accessed using:

Setup -> Extensibility -> Self Update

The Self Update page does not require any management packs.

The software library must be configured before Self Update is configured

Connection Mode

Self Update can be performed in online or offline mode.

The default mode is online.

Online mode requires a direct connection to Oracle or a proxy internet connection to Oracle.

To set to Offline mode

Setup -> Provisioning and Patching -> Offline Patching

Change the setting for the connection to Offline.

In the Offline Patching page does not require any management packs

Download EM Catalog

The EM catalog is downloaded from Oracle Support.

If Enterprise Manager is not directly comnnected to the internet, then the EM catalog must be downloaded to a server that is connected and then copied to a location that can be accessed by the OMS.

Navigate to the Offline Patching page

Setup -> Provisioning and Patching -> Offline Patching

The URL for the EM catalog is shown at the bottom of the page. For example:


Checking for Updates

Click Check Updates on the Self Update home page.

If the connection mode is offline then a message will be displayed that contains a URL. For example:

Check Updates in Offline Mode

Use the following link to download the latest updates catalog

Once catalog is downloaded it can be imported to Enterprise Manager in one of the following ways:

  Transfer the catalog to an OMS host, and run the following command to import it to Enterprise Manager
  emcli import_update_catalog -file=<catalog file name with full path> -omslocal

  Transfer the catalog to any managed host in your environment, and run the following command to import it to Enterprise Manager
  emcli import_update_catalog -file=<catalog file name with full path> -host=<host name> <host credential options>